PSaMP’s Halfie Birthday Extravaganza: Larry Brown Sports

(To commemorate the 6 month anniversary of PSaMP, I invited some of my favorite bloggers to take over PSaMP for a week. I’m calling it, PSaMP’s Halfie Birthday Extravaganza. Well, its been extended to an obnoxiously long two week blogapalooza, per se. Several kickass local and national blogs agreed to share their feelings on Pittsburgh sports. Hopefully, some will also provide a Mini Pony of the Day. In my mind, it will rule. I hope you enjoy it. Monday’s blogger is Larry Brown of Larry Brown Sports. He also writes for the ridiculous AOL Fanhouse. Today, Larry writes for PSaMP. Destroy him if you disagree. I’ll allow it.)

Well, I used to hate the Penguins because they were in the same division as my favorite team, the Bruins. But then the Pens got Sid the Kid and some other really cool players, so now I don’t mind em as much. Also helps that they’re in a different division now too. The Pirates really haven’t been worth much more than a few sentences in like a decade, so I’ll pass on them. I guess I’d like to share with you a few thoughts on the Steelers.

I can’t stand the Steelers. I highly dislike the Steelers. In fact, they are just one step below serious and utter hate. See, I’m a Bengals fan. And it really didn’t matter, rain, shine, Kordell, Tomczak, or whatever, the Steelers always seemed to win. I liked to attribute it to the coaching of Bill Cowher. Because of that slapdick and his persistence, the Steelers always seemed to be a good team. They could lose an All-Pro every off-season — it seemed like they did — yet they were still always in the playoff hunt. In fact, I really count the Steelers in the same class as the Patriots for being so organizationally sound. So even though I can’t stand the Steelers, and up until recently I could count on them to hand my Bengals two losses every single year, somewhere, deep down inside me, there is a small little area in my body where I compartmentalize a great deal of respect for the Steelers organization. That being said, I still wish upon them a century of 0-16 seasons.

Larry Brown

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