Where’d Yinz Go?

Ellis Burks and Adam HyzduWhere'd Yinz Go?

After a massive hiatus, Where’d Yinz Go? returns with everyone’s favorite former Pirate, Adam Hyzdu!

The first installment found what Derek Bell was up to, now its time to see where good ole Adam Hyzdu has been.

Who can forget the offensive sparkplug that Hyzdu was? I mean, in four season with the Buccos (wow, he was really here that long?), Hyzdu managed an impressive 18 home runs, 55 RBIs, 0 triples and 87 stikeouts! I mean, those numbers held the team together. Hyzdu managed to put up Pirate-like numbers so that the team could keep selling at the trade deadline while unloading guys who could become stars elsewhere. In other words, he was Dave Littlefield’s best friend.

I don’t know why we ever got rid of Hyzdu. From 2000-2003, he was the straw that stirred the drink (no, I wasn’t a The Bronx is Burning watcher).

So Adam Hyzdu, Where’d Yinz Go?

Brace yourselves, Buccos fans. Immediately following his time in the ‘Burgh, Hyzdu managed to make it onto the Boston Red Sox squad and earned himself a World Series ring. Compose yourselves and read that again. He of the lifetime .229 batting average has himself a World Series ring. ADAM HYZDU lucked himself onto a Boston Red Sox team that just so happened to win a World Series for the first time in 86 years. How does that happen? That is no coincidence.

Hyzdu put ’em over the top. If he would stayed in the Steel City, not only would the consecutive losing season streak be over, but the city could celebrate a baseball championship.

Boston owes us a debt of gratitude for parting ways with Hyzdu’s greatness. I’m expecting a very lopsided deal with the Beantown this offseason that greatly benefits the ‘Burgh.

Now please excuse me. I’m gonna go cry.

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