
How can you look at this picture and not love the Steelers?

This article was in yesterday’s Trib, as I happened to stumble across the Fanfare section with the lovely Jean Horne. Mmmmm…Jean Horne. In honor of Jean, every namedrop of a local celebrity or high roller will be in bold. I’m just cool like that.

The Steelers had some big fashion show, which is an annual-type deal, with the proceeds going to cancer research. The team has raised over $2 million in 6 years.

The event was chaired by Art Rooney II and his wife Greta. Kendall “Big Bucks” Simmons showed off his matching unis with his daughters Kensley and Laila. Also on hand from the team were Ben Roethlisberger, Charlie Batch, Jerame Tuman, Mike Tomlin, Casey Hampton, Deshea Townsend, James Farrior, Clark Haggans, Ike Taylor, Santonio Holmes, Jeff Reed, Matt Spaeth, Gary Russell, Lawrence Timmons and Larry Foote.

So there you have my dirty little secret. I stay away from trashy celebrity blogs and gossip mags (save for the occasional What Would Tyler Durden Do? web-check), but I am a sucker for the Trib Fanfare section. I just can’t help myself when I read about a ton of rich people that I don’t know who obviously live near me and love going to extravagant parties and having their names bolded in Horne’s column.

Oh, and several players/coaches have some mighty fine wives (and by wives, I mean wives and models who rolled down the catwalk with the players). Ben had a model draped over both arms (wonder how Missy liked that) while Shaft Reed looked goofy as normal. Jerame Tuman has a gorgeous wife, as does Omar Tomlin/Mike Epps. Here’s a solid pic of Tomlin and his lovely wife and kids.


Steelers Rule.
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