Sunday Needs To Get Here

Dude, I can’t wait much longer. Fewt-ball season began last night, and now my appetite for the NFL has been severely whetted.

The only thing that can sustain me is the roar from Heinz Field and the sea of Terrible Towels. Those are all for you, Myron.

Sunday Steelers kickoff is only days away, which means tomorrow will have a rare weekend post here at PSaMP, and it’ll be cross-published at OFTOT. Our pregame show/analysis should be up at some point, so check back frequently. We don’t have a set time or anything. We’re bloggers…come on. So send your show title ideas to either me or Cotter. You guys have sucked about as much as us, and we still haven’t zeroed in on a choice.

We’ll see you tomorrow…and HERE WE GO STEELERS!

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