Live Blogging, Because Work Sucks

So I’m not heading to Washington for the game this weekend as I imagine a lot of you are not. Eric and Sprout of The Subway Alumni Show are making the trip and I encourage all of you that do attend, to seek these fellow Subway Alums out- and take care of them. 5 star hotels, Champagne and caviar are not necessary for those two (although I’m certain they will not turn it down). Give them a ride from the airport and pass a cold one there way and they will be happy. Good luck fellas!

BTW- If you haven’t already done so, join the Subway Alumni Club. You get a cool badge…

Anyways… I am going to have a Live Blog set up for gameday and opt out of going to work- because work sucks. If you joined me the last time you know the drill & if not, here is the link to the replay of the live blog I had for the Stanford game.


So I hope to see you Saturday commenting away on why ND should keep running the score up with a 45 point lead in the fourth quarter. It should be up and running around Noon so you can stop by and spew a bit before the game if you like.


The Anti-Preview for Washington should be up later tonight.
Live Blogging, Because Work Sucks
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