Bagpipe Monday… The Polls Are Back- Yet Different

Bagpipe Monday... The Polls Are Back- Yet DifferentWelcome back to Bagpipe Monday at Subway Domer. This is the first Monday of the new format that BM will be taking. It’s kind of an evolving weekly feature that I keep messing with to announce shit, and occasionally make fun of midgets, Trojans, and Mr. Rodgers.

I want to thank everyone that participated in the Random Randomness Is A Survey– survey. I got a lot of good information that will be used in some future posts this summer and early fall. I posted this in some very different message board locations. i think I got a pretty decent mix of answers and it should reflect the overall attitude of the entire Fighting Irish fanbase.

That reminds me. June is Rivalry Month at Subway Domer. Why? Because we fucking hate you- that’s why. Anyways, look for more on this is the next few days. If I say much more than that, my lawyers will have my ass.

Please take the time to fill out this weeks new survey, and as always… ENJOY THE PIPES!!!

Bagpipe Monday... The Polls Are Back- Yet Different

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