Doing things a little differently this year. Join my Football Pool. The winner will get a T-Shirt. Here’s the email you would get on how to join, if well… I had your email:
Winner will still get a T-shirt, but I am using a website for the pick-em. Simpler rules- easy access….
I am inviting you to join my private College Football Combo Best Bet/Confidence Pool called SUBWAY DOMER’S TAKE 8 PICK-EM. The pool is being hosted on a website called
INSTRUCTIONS FOR JOINING: Click on the link below and you will be guided through the process for joining this pool, including registering on the website if you haven’t registered before.
If you have any questions about the pool rules or format, please write me back. If you have any technical problems joining my pool, please let me know or contact the website. If the above link doesn’t work and you need the poolid# and password, they are shown below:
Poolid#: 59848 Password: edwwwr
Thanks, THESUBWAYDOMER (that’s my website screen name)
Join before September 2nd.
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