Pro Bowler Malcolm Jenkins’ Secrets To Success.


I waited patiently as the 6’0″ 204lb safety took the podium. Once there, he layed out the reasons he has had so much success in the past two seasons, mainly in the areas of production and health, which were in his opinion closely tied to each other. He then began fielding questions.

I asked the former Buckeye what he thought attributed to his ability to play all but 7 defensive snaps in the past two seasons, 1300 snaps overall. Jenkins surprisingly gave a lot of credit to, often excoriated, former coach Chip Kelly’s sports science program saying: “The importance of replenishing and recovering was stressed, along with the addition of different protein shakes after workouts and practices really made a difference.”

When asked how this relates to his production on the field he responded that “taking care of your body is what allows athletes to make plays on the field” which is something I think we can all agree with.

Chip may have done a lot of things wrong in his Eagles’ tenure but maybe his sport’s science concepts weren’t so crazy after all.

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