Favorite All Star Moment: “How You Like Me?”

When Daniel Alfredsson scored with five and a half minutes left to play in the second period of today’s NHL All-Star Game, it not only provided Senators fans with their greatest moment of the weekend, it also taught us that Erik Karlsson is in need of constant reassurance.

To the video…


We like you just fine Erik.

Hopefully this sparks a new Sens chant whenever Karlsson does something spectacular on the ice: how you like me clap clap clap clap clap.

One Thought on Alfie

It is not often in sport that an event can actually live up to the build up of hype that develops over the weeks and months that lead up to it. The 2012 All-Star Game may not have been the greatest game of shinny ever played but for the hockey fans in Ottawa, it was the ideal platform to celebrate Daniel Alfredsson’s career as a Senator. And to that end, it exceeded every imaginable expectation.

From the Fantasy Draft on Thursday to the Alfie chants that led up to his pre-game introduction to the standing ovation that he received after scoring his first goal to his post-game interview with Elliotte Friedman that was piped into SBP’s PA system, everything was surreal. Hats off to the Senators organization, the NHL, John Tortorella for putting him on a line with the ginger twins and most importantly, the fans for making it such a memorable weekend.

Alfie’s Future

In Pierre Lebrun’s All-Star Recap on ESPN, he included this interesting quote from Alfie that provides some insight into a prospective front office role once his playing days are over:

“I’ve thought about it a lot and I haven’t come up with a decision,” said Alfredsson, allowing us a glimpse into his plans. “I haven’t discussed with Eugene or Bryan about what possibly I could do. I’ve been around hockey my whole life, definitely it’s something that interests me, there’s no question. What role? I have no idea. I guess I’ll have to wait and see. I’m sure I’d love to try it. At what level and what position? I don’t know. I’ve got four kids at home, how much time do I want to put into it? And I know if I start by saying, ‘I’m just going to go in and be a consultant or whatever,’ I can’t do anything half-way. I know exactly how it’s going to end up. I have to talk to my wife and see what she thinks. But it would be very interesting.”

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