A Welcome Blue Invasion: Salut to Nordiques Nation

A Welcome Blue Invasion: Salut to Nordiques Nation

In the past few weeks Seattle has emerged as a favoured relocation destination, some would say the most favoured among those at NHL headquarters. What the Emerald City doesn’t have is a visible travelling booster club for the return of NHL hockey. Enter Nordiques Nation who will have 2000+ fans in the stands at SBP for this afternoon’s Hockey Day in Canada matchup. Holding court for a national TV audience on a day soaked in Canadiana is a very shrewd move indeed. Today’s demonstration builds on past “invasions” of Long Island and New Jersey, with more to come later this season in Boston and Detroit.

Earlier this week Stephen Brunt made the case for Quebec City’s status as the only realistic landing spot the NHL has in the short-term:

“Nowhere else, though, does that magical combination exist: an owner, who actually has the money; a new arena on the horizon that now seems a fait accompli, and an old building ready to provide temporary refuge; a town that may not be a metropolis, that may not ring a lot of bells when you put it up on American marquees, but that is filled with people who actually like hockey.”

The possibility of a team in Quebec City joining a realigned Northeast would almost make up for Florida and Tampa Bay being foisted upon the division. Even though Ottawa’s playoff odds would instantly decline, I would still 100% be in favour of this move. Any excuse to visit Quebec City three more times a year is someting this selfish fan can get behind…also those sweaters were badass.

A Welcome Blue Invasion: Salut to Nordiques Nation
Ottawa and Quebec need not always be at arms, if you’re going to the game this afternoon show our Quebecois brothers and sisters a good time.

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