Don’t Hold Your Breath: Rick Nash Not Coming To Ottawa

Don't Hold Your Breath: Rick Nash Not Coming To Ottawa
For all of those insufferably unrational irrational and unrealistic Senators fans out there who were salivating over the possibility of reuniting Canadian World Championship linemates Jason Spezza and Rick Nash, you may want to go take a cold shower.

According to reports out of Columbus, Rick Nash has given the Blue Jackets organization an approved list of teams of which he would be willing to waive his no-trade clause for. The Columbus Dispatch‘s Aaron Portzline speculates that the Bruins, Kings, Ranger, Sharks and Leafs are on this list but by no means is this some accurate representation of the list in its totality.


Rather than milk the suggestive nature of Nash’s undisclosed list teams that he would waive his NTC for website traffic and television ratings, I hope the NHL experts get to the bottom of this faster than it took people to find out that Wheels from Degrassi was dead.

Yep. Slow news day.

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