Baby G – The Colin Greening Story: Starring Dolph Lundgren



With the NHL’s offseason threatening to extend into the fall months, anything that remotely passes for Senators news will eventually be uncovered and published in some remote corner of the Interwebs.

Take this Saturday’s question and answer session with Colin Greening that appeared in Saturday’s edition of The Telegraph for example. Thanks to this insightful interview, we now know more about our favorite Newfie hockey player than we did yesterday.

Did you know…

… that Greening admitted to the rebellious act of spray painting of a fence as a youth.

How uncouth!

Judging by the way he handled himself on and off the ice, I always believed that he was one of those straightshooters. This changes everything. With his intriguing blend of size, speed and physicality, we’re going to demand that he channels his youth and graffitis the end boards with Phaneuf and Subban’s DNA.

Greening, who apparently goes by the nickname ‘Baby G’, admittedly works hard and is extremely driven. In fact, his motto is ‘do what others don’t’.

Apparently, he’s afraid of sharks and away from the rink, he likes to pick up a guitar and just strum without knowing how to actually play. Having not yet discovered Skype, he also likes to listen to Great Big Sea because it is his “way of staying connected with home.” And if a movie about his life was ever made, he’d want Dolph Lundgren to play him. 

Now maybe it’s just me, but there’s nothing quite like a visual of a Greening biopic in which the guy who killed Apollo Creed explores cities or sits around strumming a guitar. It sounds encapsulating and worthy of a Sundance nod.

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