Street To Be Named For Alfie?

Street To Be Named For Alfie?
Lucky Daniel Alfredsson. 

First news that he's going to be a stay-at-home dad during the lockout and now comes the possibility of societies greatest honour…his name enshrined on a street sign. 

From the Ottawa Citizen:

“We have talked with the Sens about naming a major, multi-lane road in Fernbank Crossing after Alfredsson,” says Rahul Kochar, vice-president of Phoenix Homes and one of three builders behind the 160-acre site that will eventually be home to a mix of 700 suburban condos, townhomes, bungalows and single-family homes.

“As far as I know it is in the system,” says Kochar, adding the new road will move east to west across the northern edge of the community, including multiple lanes for cars and dedicated lanes for buses and bikes. “It will be the widest urban road to be built in Ottawa.”

Maybe I'm just being cynical here, but there's just nothing quite like a developer getting ahead of the curve and naming a street after Ottawa's captain completely out of self-interest; gaining some recognition/PR for its development now. 

I mean, maybe it's just me, but it strikes me as unseemly.

I'd rather see the City of Ottawa work in a collaboration with the Senators organization to rename a road closer to SBP — an arena where Alfie actually played — or hold off on such a decision until the time comes for Ottawa to build a new arena. This proposal as it stands just seems very un-Alfie like.

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