Melnyk Gives Brief Update On Cooke Investigation

I don’t think I”m exaggerating to say the greater hockey world was eagerly anticipating Eugene Melnyk’s next interview following this little number (which we had some fun with here). Eugene talking into a microphone is pretty much always notable, but this instance went viral in ways past curious comments stayed a local footnote.

The above video was shot today by The Score’s Daniel Slater as Eugene spoke to the media following his annual Skate For Kids charitable event. Can’t be sure but it sounds like Brent Wallace is the questioner here, so credit to him if that’s the case. Cooke stuff starts @ 1:59.

Q: You were very vocal after the Pittsburgh incident with Matt Cooke. Have you settled down knowing that Monday’s the next game since then?

Melnyk: Are we talking about Matt Cooke?

Q: Sure.

Melnyk: We’re not talking about Matt Cooke. Um, look it’s got nothing to do with settling down, um, I’ve committed to not saying anything about it until we’ve completed everything we need to do…and speak to the league about it. Look, I’ll do anything I have to do to protect my players, it’s as simple as that. And um, that’s exactly what I’m doing there, and after that I can’t really comment. But it will take a couple of months before anything really comes out.”

Probably says something about the organization’s perspective that this question and answer was missing from the version posted on the Senators site.

What you can’t appreciate in the text is the sly smile that begins to appear on Gene’s face as the question is asked. I’m a little surprised he commented on this as much as he did, there was no dissuading people of the idea this forensic investigation is a real thing that is actually happening.

Will his interest in the “case” lose steam if Karlsson gets back into the lineup in the coming weeks? Will it drag on for years and years a la Heatley grievance?

Even though I 100% agree with this piece from @wtyky, the latter wouldn’t surprise me.

A PTS appearance can’t be far off, can it?

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