Pageau Passes To Boards…Back To Pageau

This is just quick post, but here's two examples of Pageau using the boards to buy himself time and space.

First is from his NHL debut at Philadelphia, out protecting a one-goal lead in the dying minutes:

Denis's on the home team, but that sounded a genuine "WOW" to me, pretty sure I said the same thing watching it live. As a coach you couldn't ask for more ruthless efficiency in that situation.

Second is the last game at Washington:

The boards are your friend. A quick chip, curl and pass back to the point creates a pretty dangerous Gonchar one-timer.

These are small things in the grand scheme of a game, but a less intelligent player might of been stripped of the puck in the defensive zone or turned it over at the offensive blue-line trying to deke the defender. 

Did I mention he's crushing the possession game, playing tough minutes, over 50% on faceoffs, and starts in the defensive zone more than anyone else on team?

Kid is good.

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