Alfredsson Left Off Preliminary Swedish Sochi Roster

Alright everyone, grab your teacup and get ready to read the leaves, because there’s nothing else to do now that Daniel Alfredsson has been omitted from a list of 35 prospective Swedish hockey players who have been invited by the Swedish Ice Hockey Federation for an information session to brief them on preparations for the Sochi Olympics.

It’s a melodramatic wrinkle in an offseason that has otherwise gone according to script:

1. Will he or won’t he retire?
2. Alfie can take his time to make a decision. He has a legacy in Ottawa and has earned the right to make a decision without any external pressure.
3. Wait.
4. Decision.
5. Alfie! Alfie! Alfie!

Now we’re to pick up the pieces, because, well…just think of the pageviews! Seriously though, just think of the traffic that will be redirected our way once I type: Daniel Alfredsson Sweden Olympics Ottawa Senators retirement Kate Upton boobs. Metadata for the win.

As one friend jokingly pointed out to me, other retired hockey players like Lidstrom, Forsberg and Sundin were also left out, so it stands to reason that Alfie could be joining them on the sidelines.

Or perhaps it simply stands to reason that Swedish Federation did not want to include Alfie out of respect. It makes no sense to ask him to commit to something before he actually makes a decision on his playing career.

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