The 6th Sens Podcast is Back!

Alright, so after a ridiculously lengthy hiatus in which we totally dropped the ball and neglected to fulfill our promise to publish podcasts more regularly, we’re back!

Yes, @creecher1200 and I are back recording podcasts and it get’s better, we’ve invested in our own recording gear which means that we’re no longer subject to the whims that come with competing for studio time. In other words, we have our own gear so we can essentially record whenever we want.

Right now, the intent is to record every week or at least every other week until the season starts. Although we didn’t bring in a guest for the first episode of the relaunch, expect the same kind of quality interviews that you grew accustomed to in the previous episodes.

Before you scroll down and jump right into the podcast, I encourage you to take the time and visit our Patreon page.

What is Patreon?

It’s a crowdfunding site that allows individuals to help support content creators whose work you enjoy. Patreon allows you to support this podcast and potentially us to continue to invest in more or better equipment which will help make this podcast as good as it can be. My goal is to help recoup the costs of the investment made to buy the new equipment and it’s a bit of an ambitious goal. What Patreon allows you to do make small monthly donations that will collectively help us recoup these costs.

Admittedly, it feels a bit weird to ask readers to support us and I know not everyone will be interested in supporting the podcast. That’s fine. The podcast will continue to exist as a free entity. You can stream or download it using SoundCloud or by visiting our Patreon page. I’ve embedded the SoundCloud player below.

Eventually, the plan is to also get the podcast to appear on Itunes again, but in order to grab it off Itunes now, you’ll have to access it manually. To do so, open Itunes. Click on ‘File’ and click on ‘Subscribe to Podcast’. In the URL box that opens, copy and paste this RSS feed link into the box:

So yeah, thanks for reading all of that and for supporting this blog and podcast over the years.

Now to the podcast!

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”272″ iframe=”true” /]
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