Saturday Night Soup cools off but is still tasty

Jeff Suppan brought his 2.55 ERA–the best among Brewers’ starters–to the hill Saturday night vs. Pirates’ ace Zach Duke.
Suppan was spotted a 3-run lead after 2 innings, thanks to a J.J. Hardy RBI single that plated Rickie Weeks in the first, followed by Suppan himself helping his cause with an RBI single in the 2nd, followed by a Tony Graffanino run later that frame on a fielder’s choice.
But Suppan wore down, and the Pirates plated a pair off of him in the 6th, sending him to the showers…Brian Shouse finished the frame, followed by Carlos Villanueva polishing off the Bucs in the 7th. J.J. Hardy ensured the win with a 3-run homer in the Brewers’ 7th, as a Xavier Nady solo homer off reliever Chris Spurling in the 9th was the last run, and the Crew upped their record to 20-10 with the 6-3 victory.
Sunday’s day game pits the Bucs’ Tony Armas (0-2, 11.57) vs. Ben Sheets (2-2, 4.25).

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