Ice Cold Brew(ers)

Since today is an off day for the Crew, and I had a moment, I thought I’d look to see how some of the Brewers have done over the past 30 days:

  • There has been a .300 hitter! Just one: rookie Ryan Braun has gone 41-for-110, or .373! {Purists will note that 3 pitchers have also hit above .300, but each of them only collected 1 hit in 1-2 AB’s}…Damian Miller is second at .294
  • Billy Hall has hit a respectable .286, as has Johnny Estrada and Kevin Mench
  • Geoff Jenkins has hit just .217 with only 1 homer
  • Prince Fielder only has 3 homers (and only 1 since the All-Star game)
  • Corey Hart hit .208
  • Position players that hit below the Mendoza line: Tony Graffanino (.196) and Rickie Weeks (.117)
  • Among starting pitching, Chris Capuano got the most starts with 6 and posted a quasi-respectable 0-2, 5.45 ERA with 28 K’s to 14 BB’s
  • Dave Bush was a bit better: 2-2, 4.45 in 5 starts, 30.33 IP with 26 K’s to 9 BB’s
  • Jeff Suppan was 0-2, 5.88, with only 1 more strikeout than walks
  • The relievers’ ERA’s: Cordero–5.19; Turnbow–6.75; Wise–4.22; Spurling–6.23; Shouse–0.00

Most beers aren’t supposed to be ice cold…let’s hope the warmer weather heats them up!

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