Not Good Enough

I thought a weekend trip home to see family would be a nice break from the Brewers and I’d come home as a refreshed fan. After Sundays’ heart-breaking 7-6 loss to the Cincinnati Reds, I realize that the rest of this season is going to be quite difficult to handle. Sunday should have been a day of celebration for the Brewers as Chris Capuano, JJ Hardy, and Manager Ned Yost all celebrated a birthday. By the end of the day, the team finished their homestand 1-5 and they now sit a full game out of first place as the Cubs face the Cardinals tonight. The Brewers had played amazing ball all year at home sporting the best home record in the National League. Perhaps with the struggles at home the team will now start playing better on the road? The team now embarks on a three city, nine game road trip. It starts tomorrow night in Arizona followed by a stop in San Francisco before finishing up against the first place Cubs next week. Words are really hard to come by right now. It’s so hard to watch such a talented team struggle to find victories. There are 38 games remaining in the season, and I figure the Crew needs to win at least 22 of those to have a shot at the division. As I sit here, I have no idea how they will get to 85 victories.

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