Happy birthday TNS

No trick candles, please.

Today marks one year since The Net Set first launched launched, as a free WordPress blog shouting in the wilderness. I like to think I've come a long way since those early days of being thrilled when the blog got 20 hits in a day. I'm still a student of the game, and I think I'll always be learning. Those earliest of posts, mostly about the London Olympics (which were, in essence, the catalyst that spurred me into getting in to volley-blogging) probably weren't much of anything in terms of quality, either. I hope I've found a much more natural and relatable 'voice' to my writing by now.

What do the next 12 months hold for TNS? Honestly, I wish I knew. I've kind of hit a rough patch in my real life, which is why posts are becoming slightly less frequent. Hopefully that can turn around, but to be perfectly honest it may get even worse rather than getting better. I don't mean to wallow, or bring anyone else down, but it's the truth. ANYWAY.

If it's entirely up to me, I hope I'll end up having Al Scates or Dave Shoji-level longevity on the blogging scene (though even they had assistants….hint hint!). I love volleyball, and I love writing, so this blog is a true labour of love for me. It's rare to get to do even one thing you're passionate about, but two? Hey, sign me up, man!

And of course a tremendous thanks goes out to all you readers. Writing is awesome, but if I'm just talking to myself, the novelty sort of wears thin. So I'm happy to get engaged in discussion, here or on twitter, or get called out on some mistake I make (and you should have plenty of opportunities to do that), or just a nice "Good read." Wherever you are, and however long you've been reading, I can't say thank you strongly enough.

So let's all touch glasses, and toast to another fine year in the world of volleyball. May it be even better than the last.

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