SB doing math

Good posts by both Shake and Mrgex03

A couple thoughts here:

  • The Colts are leading the league in 3 of the Top 6 stats, and are 2nd in another.  Again, 4-0 is pretty easy to explain when looking at these numbers.
  • The Colts defense has been doing a great job at Average Starting Position, causing opposing teams to go a longer distance than the offense does.  That is very un-Colt-like, and is a good sign.  It’s still a much better stat than in year’s past.
  • The Defense is still struggling in certain areas (ToP/Drive, 3rd/4th Down %, and 3 & Outs) that need to be addressed.  Yards / Play is great, and consistent with Colts’ Defenses of the past.  Opposing offenses are usually only successful when they dink and dunk down the field.
  • The Colts ANY/A number of 9.83 / Attempt is still on track to break the 2004 record, and should go up over the next 2 games (like I mentioned above).  The top 4 teams in ANY/A offense?  Colts, Giants, Saints, and Broncos.  Still not convinced about how awesome ANY/A is?  I’m not sure a better argument can be made.
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