NFL Week 3 Rundown

NFL Week 3 Rundown
NFL Week 3 Rundown

  1. The New York Jets defense. Mark Sanchez is getting the press, but the defense has been stellar. Look what blitzing can do.
  2. Everything about the New York Giants.
  3. Jacksonville’s offensive explosion against Houston. I guess the Texans defense is just that bad.
  4. The Baltimore Ravens offense. They still have questions on defense.
  5. Greg Lewis’ toe drag at the back of the end zone to beat the 49ers. Favre is getting credit for the pass, but Lewis did a hell of a job to stay in bounds.

Not Impressive
NFL Week 3 Rundown

  1. Pittsburgh Steelers 4th quarter defense.
  2. Everything about the Washington Redskins. How does Jim Zorn still have a job? Their next 3 opponents are 0-9 (Tampa, Carolina, KC). If Zorn loses to another winless team, he’s done.
  3. The Denver Broncos 3-0 record.
  4. Tampa Bay playing Josh Johnson over Josh Freeman.
  5. The Carolina Panthers passing game.

Futility Watch
Current contenders for the longest losing streak:
St. Louis – 13
Cleveland – 9
Tampa Bay – 7
Kansas City – 7

Off the Schnide
NFL Week 3 Rundown
The Lions gave the Redskins a chance, but the ‘skins couldn’t convert and Detroit gets off the schnide. Enjoy the week Lions fans.

How I Did
9/16. Terrible week. I had far too much faith in road teams this week.
Overall, I am 33/48 (68.8%).

Pittsburgh Bloggers Fantasy Football League
We dominated the Pensblog jobbers this week.
NFL Week 3 Rundown

Top half of the league is starting to break away. AP has carried us into first place so far.
NFL Week 3 Rundown

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