2010 Preview: Buffalo Bills

2010 Preview: Buffalo Bills
2009 Record: 6-10
2009 Rankings:
Total Offense – 30
Run Offense – 16
Pass Offense – 30
Scoring Offense – 28
Total Defense – 19
Run Defense – 30
Pass Defense – 2
Scoring Defense – 16
So here’s the question: Was Buffalo’s pass defense actually that good that it ranked 2nd in the league in 2009, or was their run defense that bad that no one needed to throw against them? Survey says, their pass defense was actually decent. They faced 519 passing attempts, the 13th lowest attempts against in the league. That being said, they were 2nd in the league in many key categories, including yardage, TDs against, and interceptions. They also faced the 2nd most rushing attempts in the league.
Their entire secondary returns from last season, with the biggest change to the defense being the switch to a 3-4 defensive front. Personally, we think this will be beneficial to last year’s first round pick Aaron Maybin to explode this season. Maybin, who is a bit raw still, but has a ton of talent, will excel in a 3-4 system. Paul Posluszny, who led the team in tackles while only playing 12 games last season, will be the anchor on the inside of the new defense. 
On offense, well, they suck. They drafted CJ Spiller, bringing their total playmakers on offense to 2. Lee Evans has been called “the hardest receiver in the division to cover” by shutdown corners like Darrelle Revis. However, Buffalo passed on drafting a quarterback before the 7th round, and Bills fans will have to suffer through another season with Trent Edwards/Ryan Fitzpatrick. The Bills do have a trio of running backs in Marshawn Lynch, Fred Jackson, and CJ Spiller that could give defenses troubles if the Bills had any semblance of an Offensive line. To do this, the Bills will need improved play from 2nd year guard duo Andy Levitre and Eric Wood.
It may not look like it on your globe, but Buffalo is getting closer and closer to Toronto. And when that happens, because you know it’s going to, there’s only one thing left to do…

Ian’s Prediction: 4-12

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