Martavis Bryant catches TD pass with the back of his knee (video)

Anyone who says they’ve seen this kind of catch before is probably lying.

Martavis Bryant used the back of his knee to secure this 10-yard touchdown pass from Ben Roethlisberger to give the Steelers a 15-0 lead over the Bengals in the third quarter of Saturday’s AFC wild-card game at Cincinnati.


Roethlisberger called out Bryant this week, saying that he needs to “toughen up.” Bryant caught just two passes for six yards in the Steelers’ last two regular-season games.

Apparently Bryant listened.

Not sure he had possession of the ball, Bryant needed some body part to ensure that it would be a catch. We’ve seen guys pinning the ball to their helmet, but this is a new one. To top it all off, Bryant did a somersault after getting both feet inbounds.

Bryant also had a 44-yard run to set up a field goal earlier in the game. He’s shown flashes in this game of the star that Roethlisberger thinks he can become.

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