More reactions to Taylor’s remarks

Because of Garnett’s sterling reputation and the frozen geography of
the Timberwolves’ locale, Taylor’s calling out of his loyal superstar
pretty much ensures that no prominent free agent will want to come to
Minnesota in the near future. Remember what happened to the Bulls and
Jerry Krause when he got into a power struggle with Phil Jackson,
Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen? A similar dynamic now seems likely
When the Celtics reported to Boston 30 days before the start of
training camp for informal workouts, the team needed all of one hour,
Rivers said, to realize the depth of Garnett’s intensity.
“After the workouts, he stayed on the court for another hour and a half
working, then he went and lifted, then he came back that night,” Rivers
said. “You see that before the season and if you’re anybody else then
you almost have to (do the same). How can you not?”
That’s what made Taylor’s comments so ridiculous. Garnett was so
frustratingly loyal to the Timberwolves that even when the team failed
time and again to put an adequate supporting cast around him, he
refused to demand a trade. His only goal was to bring an NBA
championship to Minnesota, to become a dunking Kirby Puckett.
There are countless other storylines to chase with this 16-50 team and continuing to bring up Garnett only annoys fans, reminding them of past mistakes instead of looking towards the future. After all, Mr. Taylor, the fans are the ones who buy the tickets, concessions and merchandise. Your objective is to keep them coming back, not continue to annoy them away. 
From Hardwood Paroxysm:
Now, there are tons of ways to refute Taylor’s claims. The noble way Garnett
killed himself with MVP-worthy performances on wretched teams year
after year in Minnesota. The undying respect he garners with Minnesota
fans which has eerie similarities to an abused wife who repeatedly
sleeps with her ex just because they had a few good years before he ran
off with her TV. The constant praise from owners, players, coaches, and
teammates like Paul Pierce. But the point is that it’s at least worth
considering whether Kevin Garnett tanked last year. And it’s worth considering why he doesn’t receive more criticism for the failures he faced in Minnesota…
Glen Taylor should just shut the hell up and not draw attention to
Tankapalooza 2007 (BTW – that along with the ref scandal were two huge
reasons why the 2006-07 season was one of the worst in NBA history).
Anyway, this is the same guy who was caught trying to broker an
under-the-table deal for Joe Smith ultimately costing the T-Wolves
several first round draft picks as penalty. And this is the same guy
who kept Kevin McHale as GM, killing the franchise along the way. 
The point is, Taylor said something that didn’t help do anything but make himself look ungrateful, and silly. It didn’t hurt Garnett. It didn’t much help the Wolves, on their own little roll here at the tail end of the year. It was indeed one of those remarks that might have induced Taylor to try and grab the words out of the air and stuff them back down his gaping, undisciplined maw.
But players will remember what he said about Garnett, who remained
loyal to that team for much longer than most players would. There was
no reason to say that. Just deny that the team tanked at the end of
last season. Why pull KG into the conversation? And even if he doesn’t
have money to spend this season, he doesn’t want to give the impression
that the team wouldn’t look to possibly trade Walker for a big name or
is looking long term to add only a “lower-priced guy.” That
combination — along with the decisions not to keep Sprewell and
Cassell after a successful playoff run — could make it very difficult
for Minnesota to lure free agents to help the team get better because
players might wonder exactly what the owner is willing to do to build a

The few words Garnett muttered on the topic gave a clear message
though: Move on because there isn’t a story here anymore. He was also
challenging Glen Taylor and the Timberwolves organization to do the

If you’ve watched KG play to any degree, even if it’s one minute, you know that he is all about effort and has a non-stop motor. What Taylor is talking about, I have no idea! But, it’s over. Garnett is playing with the Boston Celtics, the owners of the Association’s best record (hmm… interesting). Now get over it! 
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