Wolves Updates 4/25

The drunken driver who killed Minnesota Timberwolves player Malik Sealy
in 2000 got a stiff, eight-year prison sentence Thursday for two
drunken driving violations committed since then.
Advocates praised the sentence as substantial for a case in which no
one died and as a sign of the impact of a recent change in state law.
From WCCO:
Malik Sealy’s mother said the news, though welcomed, reopens old wounds.
"If they would understand the real hole that that tears in a family.
It’s a lot, it’s a lot," said Ann Sealy, Malik Sealy’s mother.
She said it’s comforting to know her son’s killer can’t be a threat to others while he’s locked up for a long sentence. 
The fact the Timberwolves are in discussions with Clear Channel about
putting the team’s games on FM-talker KTLK (100.3 FM) next season
shouldn’t surprise anyone.
A terrible on-court performance in recent years is the No. 1 reason the
Wolves have fallen off the local sports map, but it hasn’t helped that
the team’s games are carried by a country music station (BOB 106.1 FM)
that can be difficult to pick up.

The Wolves got some help late in the season when KGBY (107.5 FM) also
started airing games, but it remained a less-than-ideal situation.

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