Wolves Updates 6/29

McHale has said he wants to set things right in Minnesota before he
steps down, and judging from what he has brought onboard thanks to
Memphis’ all-out desire for Mayo, this may be his best move yet.
In sending Antoine Walker, Marko Jaric, Greg Buckner and the rights to
Mayo to Memphis for Love, Mike Miller, Jason Collins and Brian
Cardinal, the Timberwolves unloaded two horrid contracts that were
about to take up $15.8 million of cap space alone next season (Jaric
and Walker) and one malcontent (Walker).
In return the ’Wolves get Miller, who may be the best shooter that
organization has ever had, a solid post defender in Collins, and what
they are now selling as a great locker room guy in Cardinal.
Even if O.J. Mayo blossoms into an NBA star — unless, of course, we’re
talking the next M.J. or Kobe — the Wolves’ acquisition of Kevin Love
should not be judged against the scoring average and All-Star
appearances produced by a player who brings different talents to a
different position.
Rather, you can measure Kevin McHale — his neck now stuck out far
beyond its usual gangly proportions — and his latest transaction this
way: Do Love’s unique gifts make Al Jefferson, already an All-Star, a
better player and does Love’s freakish outlet passing, his
inside-outside game and the financial freedom Thursday’s eight-player
deal provides transform the franchise?
Zgoda also takes a look at the team’s roster.
Taylor isn’t one for extraneous conversation when it comes to business. He and Grizzlies owner Michael  Heisley have a mutual trust and respect for the other. So when public
speculation arose that the Wolves might choose Love with their No. 3
pick in the draft, Taylor telephoned Heisley to assure him they would
not. He told him that for certain they would take Mayo, assuming he was
That was an important part of the groundwork for the
trade. Preparing for the draft, Taylor had instructed his basketball
staff to explore as many trade possibilities as it could. His staff did
that, but at draft time there were no agreements with any teams. The
Grizzlies had the No. 5 pick and were among potential trade prospects.
It was clear the Wolves also liked Love…
Taylor told Heisley the Wolves liked Love a lot, but in order for a deal to be made, Memphis would have to include Mike Miller… 

While Minneapolis is one of the least attractive NBA cities because of
its bitterly cold winters, Love is looking forward to being there.
"I’ll be living with my brother in Minneapolis," Love said. "I want to
get out and see the city as much as possible. It’s going to be my new
favorite city. I have to fall in love with it and I’m looking forward
to it."
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