Wolves Updates 10-7 Part 2

Myles Brown/SLAM Online takes a look at the upcoming season.
I expect the Wolves to make significant strides in the right direction this year. If I had to put a number on it, I’d say barring any serious injuries, a respectable 37-45 campaign sounds about right. I know, nothing special at all, but it’s still a 15 game improvement and another lottery pick. Which hopefully will be enough to maintain team morale, build through the draft and free agency and get me a slightly less confrontational phone call from Kevin Love.
Aaron Seehusen/Timberwolves site chats with Blake Ahearn.
Did you think falling into Al might affect your status on the team?
Haha. I thought that might have gotten me a plane ticket home. It was a goofy situation. I think I was guarding Madsen at the time and all I remember is the ball ending up hitting my head or something causing me to fall down. The next thing I heard was someone scream and I prayed that it wasn’t Al and there he is on the floor bellowing in pain. I felt really bad at the time, but even worse when a day-or-two later I saw that he going to be out for two-to-three weeks. I didn’t know how much longer I was going to be around.


There is no doubt that the Minnesota Timberwolves are still interested to trade proposals for Rahsad McCants.

Newcomer Timberwolves forward Mike Miller said he did something different in the off-season.

“I don’t usually play a whole lot of pick up ball during the summer, it’s a lot of the same workout that I’ve always done. But I’ve brought both to the table this year just because I wanted to play with these guys early so it’s not new when training camp comes. I kind of got to understand each player,” Miller said.

From Emily Kaiser/City Pages:

So long as you are a Republican, Timberwolves owner Glen Taylor is a generous man. If you are the National Republican Senatorial Committee, Taylor is exceedingly generous–$45,000 generous. Here is a man who wants a Republican-controlled Senate and is willing to pay for it.
Wolves rookie Kevin Love’s famed full-court practice shots — real and available to be seen all over youtube.com — makes him a credible candidate for a Topps Trading Card video shoot in which Love proves himself to be the “King of the Trick Shots.”
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