Wolves Updates 2/24

Click here for the forum’s thread for tonight’s game at Toronto

Game previews:
Four days after last week’s deadline trade with Sacramento, forward Shelden Williams and guard Bobby Brown finally went through their first practice with the Timberwolves on Monday.
Coach Kevin McHale said it isn’t a sure thing that he would play either tonight at Toronto, but he’d like to.
“We’ll see how the game’s going, but I hope so,” McHale said. “We’ll hopefully be able to get them some time out there.”
Maybe someday we’ll discover who put the silver helmets over the heads of Telfair and Miller, flipped a switch, and exchanged their personalities. Miller, who by all indications fancies himself as a point guard in a plodding 6-8 body, has shot 27-52 FG over the last six games, with 34 assists and 21 turnovers. During that same period, Telfair is shooting 32-73 FG with 31 assists and 10 turnovers. Hey here’s an idea: How about if the guy with the career 46% FG (47.7% this year) shoots a little more often instead of executing snazzy turnovers while the guy with the team’s best assist-to-turnover ratio drops a few more dimes instead of blowing jumpers? Then, just maybe, the Wolves wouldn’t rank near the bottom of the NBA in FG efficiency.
Rashad Mobley/HoopsAddict talked to Kevin McHale before last week’s game at Washington.
Reporter: Is this one of the stranger, maybe the strangest times since you’ve been in the league with the trade deadline coming up? You’re seeing trades that aren’t really based on what the deal is, but on money, like Tyson Chandler…
KM (interrupting): Oh, you’ll see more of that. Wait, Tyson Chandler got moved today?
Reporter: He was traded for [Chris] Wilcox and [Joe] Smith and draft picks (the trade was later rescinded after Chandler failed his physical).
KM: Wow. Yeah, well you’ll see more of that. I guarantee that. Economics is going to become a big part of this game and I wouldn’t be surprised at all if there aren’t major changes in the landscape as far a the NBA goes towards the next collective bargaining agreement.
From the Pioneer Press: Timberwolves TV: Inside The Production Trailer (video)
From Jonah Ballow/Timberwolves site: Monday Practice Notes (includes audio from Kevin McHale, Craig Smith, Bobby Brown, and Shelden Williams)
Matt Everhart/Timberwolves site on life without Big Al.
The answer here is to do what McHale has been advocating since his first game as coach: an up-tempo style. This style of play might actually work better with Jefferson out, as the Wolves can now play the young and outlet pass-prone Love as the biggest player on the court and get out and run. Foye, Sebastian Telfair, Rodney Carney, and Miller all excel in the open court. Getting easy baskets before the other team’s defense can set up is a great idea for the Wolves without Big Al to give it to in the post. Look for Foye, Tefair, and newly acquired guard Bobby Brown to push the pace.
“I thought it was a breath of fresh air,” McCants said of the trade. “I don’t look at it as starting over. I look at it as another chance and opportunity to show what I can do, show my abilities and show I can help my team win.”
From Basketbawful:
The Minnesota Timberwolves: The Al Jefferson-less T-Wolves lost to the Danny Granger-less Pacers at home in a game that can best be described as scalpers night off. And while we shouldn’t expect too much from Minny without Big Al, I’m still going to have to file this defeat under “Losses That Are Worse Than Others” since the Timberwolves missed 18 [!!] of their 41 free throw attempts. Which, you know, is a lot…especially in a 7-point loss. Oh, and you know what else hurt? The 19 turnovers.
But the multitude of miscues isn’t all that surprising; if the postgame comments are any indication, Minnesota’s players and coaching staff aren’t exactly on the same page. Said Randy Foye: “We ain’t going to be able to find our way without Al.” Countered Kevin McHale: “We’re going to have to find our way how to play without Al.” The Minnesota Timberwolves: Seeing eye-to-eye like Manute Bol and Mugsy Bogues.
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