SOTC to stop payment to Robson and other bloggers

It just keeps getting worse. Former City Pages owners, Tom Bartel and Kris Henning, now operating the on-line site, “Secrets of the City”, home of the popular “Today’s Talk” a.k.a. MnSpeak forum have been forced to stop payments to bloggers, including people like veteran writer, Britt Robson, for his tireless Timberwolves/NBA coverage.
“If I’m not getting paid, at least through the end of the month, that’s news to me,” says Robson with bemusement. “Tom and I talked yesterday, and he said the sooner it could end the better, but if need be, he’d pay me through the end of the season,” which is April 15.
As a well-deserved going-away present, Bartel offered to reserve (which currently defaults back to the current blog) and set it up for free.
Of course, some web entrepreneur might want to hook up with the writer, whose coverage is unquestionably the deepest and best-written locally. (And, some say, nationally.) His columns each get between 1,000 and 2,000 hits, with a thriving social-network of commenters who respond to his insight and passion.
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