From today’s press conference

The Timberwolves site has a link the press conference as well as a transcript.
Kahn on characteristics he is looking for in a new coach:
“I will say one thing and I think it’s in relationship to players – and I have actually spoken to some of the players this morning. I think there was a change last season when the coaching change was made in terms of the communication with players and the relationship with them. And that was a very positive change. And I have assured them that I understand that and that positive nature needs to continue. Whoever the person is needs to understand we will probably be a young team and we probably will be a team in transition and we will need a positive environment to grow as quickly as possible.”

Kahn on when he came to the conclusion:

“Over the last couple days.”

Kahn on Kevin Love’s tweet announcing the decision:
“I don’t want Kevin to feel badly about that. We live in a very different world than all of us grew up in. I don’t think it’s a big deal.”

Kahn on where the process goes from here:
“Because of the draft, literally after this news conference, we’ll be in lockdown mode for the draft. I told everybody that we won’t even start the process until the day after the draft. I have no candidates. Not lined up on the back of a napkin. Nothing. We will put a list together immediately after the draft and start a search.”

New Wolves president of basketball operations David Kahn announced the same today at a Target Center press conference, but said, “I have no candidate lined up” to replace McHale and would focus on that after the draft next week. Kahn said he received one call already today, but would not reveal the caller.

Kahn said he felt that the Timberwolves needed to make a change.

“I just felt that, the more I went through the process, there would be some challenges that would be difficult to surmount,” Kahn said...

If there was a theme to the roughly 20-minute press conference, it’s that Kahn said a lot with the things he didn’t say. As expected, he took the high road with McHale. He didn’t even really elaborate on why the change was made other than to essentially say it’s time. He said McHale has “enormous gifts” but that “at the present time we had to make a change.”

He said that while most people think decisions are black and white, he believes the world operates mostly in a shade of grey (maybe he can fill in on KFAN’s afternoon drivetime program …).

Essentially, Kahn came across the same way he did a couple days ago at a media breakfast: conflicted because he thinks McHale could have perhaps been a good candidate for the job but also understanding there was a bigger dynamic at play. Ultimately, he chose the fresh start — certain to be the most popular move overall, and probably the best one as well.

What’s next? Hiring a new coach, obviously. While Kahn doesn’t have a short list, he has also said it’s not brain surgery to figure out what candidates are out there. He said he imagines there will be a “robust list of candidates” when the time comes to get down to that business, which according to him, as noted above, is the day after the draft (a little over a week from now).

As for the reaction of the players, many of whom were openly lobbying for McHale to remain as coach, Kahn said he told the players that he felt it was important to maintain the comraderie and “upbeat spirit” that McHale had instilled going forward. He said he had not heard any players express a desire to be moved because of his decision.

Kahn was asked several questions about what kind of coach he is looking for, but did not get into specifics. He said that there is no list of names, and there will not be until after the draft. When asked if he felt that he might have to hire a big name coach to get fan attention, Kahn said he felt that would be more of a marketing move, and that ultimately to win back fans you have to win. He said any coach would have to understand it will be a few years before the team wins.

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