Barreiro interview with Kahn

KFAN’s Dan Barreiro chatted with David Kahn today about the Wolves parting of ways with Kevin McHale.

Click here to listen to the interview


Kahn said he felt as if the McHale evaluation process was not too long. He said he’d come in with preconceived notions on McHale and needed time to examine them.

On whether there was truth to the story that McHale was not offered a contract, Kahn said that was correct

On whether McHale told Kahn he was making a mistake, Kahn said he couldn’t recall him saying that

He also said he’d met with Al Jefferson a couple weeks ago and spent 45 minutes discussing the McHale situation with the player.

Says he’s mindful of what he describes as McHale’s great qualities as a communicator, as a person, as someone who gets the players to believe. Getting the players to buy in is a big part, Kahn said.


At one point during the interview, Barreiro asked Kahn about Rob Moor.
Barreiro: Is Rob Moor running the operation or are you?
David Kahn: I am. Rob had absolutely no participation in this process. Zero. Zero.
Barreiro: So the notion that he’s insinuating himself into this structure on the basketball side more than previously is untrue?
Kahn: Since my arrival, basketball operations staff has had about 20 hours of meetings. In those 20 hours of meetings, Rob has been in the room for about 10 minutes.
On coaching decision, Kahn says he hasn’t made a list but that it’s going to be a “very thorough process.” No one is lined up yet for the position. Kahn said he thinks it’s important to maintain the happy/positive attitude the team had after last year’s coaching change so he thinks they need someone who can keep it an upbeat environment.
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