Wolves Updates 1/3

From Sean Deveney/The Baseline: T-wolves Starting to Find Scoring Touch
According to PG Jonny Flynn, the difference has just been a matter of getting acclimated to coach Kurt Rambis’ triangle offense.

“It’s completely new for all of us,” Flynn told Sporting News. “It’s only natural that we need some time to adjust. It’s something that most of us have had zero experience in…”
Jerry Zgoda/Star Tribune on team’s 10 most notable moments from the last 10 years.
Wolves boss David Kahn has thought about acquiring available Tracy McGrady for the rest of the season if he can get an asset in return. But approaching that $23.2 million salary with matching contracts is nearly impossible, even with the expiring contracts of Brian Cardinal and Mark Blount (nearly $15 million combined).

Antonio Daniels’ $5.8 million contract is off the table because the Wolves bought him out early this season.
With the Gilbert Arenas-Javaris Crittenton incident in Washington as subtext, both Kahn and Wolves coach Kurt Rambis said they don’t feel it’s necessary to tell players they can’t bring guns into the locker room.

“The thought crossed my mind, in all honesty, a couple days ago,” Kahn said. “I feel not just confident but certain we don’t have that issue on our team. We have a wonderful group of guys, really especially when you consider we’re the youngest team in the league. It’s a special group of people. To do so would be overly dramatic.”

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