Wolves Updates 1/13

Click here for the forum’s thread for tonight’s game at Houston
Game previews:
From Kelly Dwyer/Ball Don’t Lie: You don’t trade a big man this young. You don’t trade Al Jefferson
Al Jefferson? I’m not ready to give up on a guy who just turned 25, is a year removed from averaging 23 and 11, and is (please say it with me, because it will help the others remember) 11 months removed from tearing his ACL.
Modern science is a lovely thing, what with the measles and mumps and rubella going away, and while players can come back from ACL tears to be as good as new, it still takes a while. It takes, at least, a year, even if you’re playing at a professional level just nine months removed from tearing the damn thing.
From The Baseline: Ricky Rubio Drives Las Chicas Locas (Link to videos of Rubio in McDonald’s commercials)
“To be honest with you, the jump shot is all about confidence,” Brewer said. “Once you get the confidence, you can make ’em all night.”

Mechanics and timing — “I shoot the ball really fast sometimes and it throws my whole shot off,” Brewer said — play their parts, too.

After watching Brewer for 39 games, Rambis envisions Brewer eventually becoming an accomplished defender on and off the ball who can guard as many as three positions and an offensive threat who plays better the faster a game’s pace.

From RandBall: Timberwolves dancers featured in Maxim

You could see a quick flash of that frustration in Denver against the Nuggets on Monday night when some fans behind the Timberwolves’  bench began heckling rookie point guard Jonny Flynn.  Flynn finally became exasperated and fired back at the fans.  Wolves first year coach Kurt Rambis then got on Flynn for his choice to engage the fans.

“They are all young and they are all going to make mistakes,” said Rambis.  “The quicker they learn the lessons about how to play as a team and how to do the right things, the better of they’re going to be as individuals and the better off they’re going to be as a ballclub.  It’s always an educational process for everybody.  We try and nurture, teach, and educate all of our young players so that they learn the valuable lessons sooner rather than later.”
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