Wolves Updates 2/6

Click here for the forum’s thread for tonight’s game against Memphis
Game previews:
Wolves boss David Kahn used those four days for a whirlwind two-city European tour in which he scouted prospects Ricky Rubio and Nikola Pekovic.

Kahn watched Rubio’s Regal Barcelona lose for the first time in 12 Euroleague games Wednesday night in Belgrade, Serbia, and watched Pekovic’s Greek team play in Athens as well. He said he visited with Rubio briefly after that game and told Pekovic the next time he sees him, he’ll have Rambis with him in May.

Rubio, the fifth pick in last summer’s NBA draft, won’t play for the Wolves until 2011 at the earliest, or possibly 2012.

Pekovic — a bruising 6-11 post presence whom the Wolves selected with the first pick in the 2008 draft’s second round — is eligible to be signed this summer if Kahn deems he fits into a frontcourt currently built around Kevin Love and Al Jefferson.
The former Minnesota Timberwolves center was a mountain of a man whose statistical accomplishments would make Bill Brasky blush. He grabbed more rebounds per minute than either Wilt Chamberlain or Bill Russell.

However, it is not Winter’s 3 rebounds in his 5 career minutes that we are here to discuss. It is the 5 fouls he committed in those same 5 minutes. That wacky statistic from Winter’s one career game in 1999 cements the 7-footer’s status as the Foulin’ Prince of the NBA.

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