Wolves Updates 3/8

Click here for the forum’s thread for tonight’s game against Dallas
Game previews:
Al Jefferson was elated Sunday that his suspension is finally over. He can use the rest.

“It was no vacation, I’ll tell you that,” said the Wolves’ leading scorer, who sat out two games as punishment for a drunken driving arrest last weekend. “I worked really hard this week — before practice, after practice, extra practice.”

He wasn’t allowed to be in the arena during Wolves games, but he wanted to stay close to his teammates. So he flew to Dallas with the Wolves last Tuesday, worked out during shootaround, then watched the game on TV at the hotel. At the final buzzer of Minnesota’s 112-109 loss — “That hurt, wanting to help but knowing I can’t because of my own stupidity,” Jefferson said — he caught a cab to the arena and rode the team bus to the airport.

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