Blogger MVP & ROY Rankings

It’s that time of the year again.  Mookie from A Stern Warning and editor of the Bloguin NBA collaborative blog NBA Baseline tabulated this edition’s results.  Make sure to check out the Mid March Edition HERE.

As usual, here are my totally awesome votes and commentary:


1 – LeBron: The season is almost over, and I still can’t think of a reason as to why he wouldn’t be first.

2 – Kevin Durantula: He very well could lead the league in scoring, and really, he does it all.  The Thunder might have home-court advantage in the playoffs, in the West.  That’s just sick.

3 – Dwight Howard: I don’t feel like he’s getting any love from anyone this year… media or bloggers. All he’s done is lead the league in rebounding and blocks, while scoring almost 20 points per game on the team with the third best overall record.  Chump.

4 – Carmelo: Any other year and he’s a legit top MVP candidate with his stats.  This year, bleh, he’s just fourth.  But he’s still really good.

5 – Dirk: He’s not doing it all in terms of Dallas winning so many games; that team is loaded.  But Dirk is definitely the main cog in Big D.

6 – Zach Randolph: Who cares that Memphis isn’t going to make the playoffs.  Look at the season he is having!  And he hasn’t even gotten kicked out of a strip club yet.

7 – Kobe: Only because I have to put him on this list somewhere.  Boo Kobe boooooo.

8 – D-Wade: He needs to be liberated from that sad-sack team.  It’s gotta be killing him inside each day.

9 – Chris Bosh: Toronto is coming on strong, and he’s one of only THREE players averaging at least 20 points and 11 boards on the season.

10 – Chris Kaman: I love me some caveman.


1 – Tyreke Evans: The LeBron James of rookies.  This dude is ill.

2 – Brandon Jennings: Yes, his shooting percentage has dropped off, but the Bucks are looking to make the playoffs, and Jennings is the gas that makes them go.

3 – Stephen Curry: Do not like him.  Doesn’t stop me from admitting he’s really good.

4 – Ty Lawson: Doesn’t have the best stats because he has decreased minutes compared to everyone else, but this dude is legit.  P.S. The TWolves didn’t need him.

5 – Darren Collison/Marcus Thornton: Super Hornets rookie studs!!! Tie vote!  How can I decide between two rookie baller studs on the same team?
8,912 Jonny Flynn: God he sucks.

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