Wolves-Lakers Q&A: “With Malice”


As you all know, the Wolves throw down with the Lakers tomorrow night.  Our fearless coach is returning to his homeland, and blah blah blah.  I just hope we don’t lose by 50.  But it’s certainly not out of the question.  All these terrible games lately have really soured my disposition.  We’ve lost by something like an average of 19 points the past 7 games.  I hate the Lakers and can’t stand Kobe Bryant, and used to wish with every fiber of my being for the Wolves to beat them.  Alas, it’s not really the case as much anymore because we’ve just been so uncompetitive the past few seasons. (P.S. Give us our team name back!)

Enough about our ineptitude.  I just enchanged some notes with Bloguin’s resident Lakers blogger Don, over at With Malice.  You should all already know how awesome he is, as we’ve collaborated together before.  If not… well let’s just say that he sucks a lot less is waaaaay cooler than most Lakers fans, especially since he lives in Japan.  If you care to hear my responses to his questions, check out the article (and his blog) by clicking HERE. If you don’t care about me, I don’t blame you.  If you want to see a hard-core Laker fan’s thoughts on our Wolves, than click Read More below.

Please click “Read More” to see what Don has to say in response to my riveting questions…

CW: On a scale of 1 to 10, how badly do you dislike people that hate the Lakers, especially when having no real good reasons?  Or does that come with the territory for fans of a franchise like LA?

WM: I think it’s weird.  I don’t get the entire “I-hate-this-fan-because-they’re-team-X” thing.  For me, even the Celtics.  I participate in the BOO BOSTON BOO, because it’s fun.  Not because I hate all Boston fans.  One of my good friends – Rob, who occasionally writes at my site – is a Celtics fan.

I get that people dislike LA tho’.  I see it a lot.  Pretty much I shrug it off, it’s simply hating the success.  So I guess… a 3.

CW: Does Kobe retire a Laker?  If not, where does he go and how/why?

WM: Kobe will retire a Laker.  And I think in the end it’ll have more to do with legacy than money. (CW EDIT: Great point there Don.)

I think he wants his name up with Magic, Kareem, Jerry & co.  Not elsewhere.

CW: Do you know Lakers Reporter Mike Trudell?  If so, thoughts on him and/or his work?  (He was formerly the official TWolves Reporter, you know.)  P.S.  Don’t say anything bad about him, he’s my homie.

WM: Yes, I do.  Trudell’s the goods.  I follow him on twitter.

CW: Love or Jefferson.  Who stays and who goes?

WM: Whilst I think Jefferson has the higher upside, it’d have to be Love who stays now, right?  On that… you gotta be HATING the KG trade now, huh?

CW: If the Wolves were offering Al Jefferson for a trade, what’s your/LA’s best offer?

WM: Hopping on to the trusty ESPN Trade Machine… ok… well, the best I’d offer is Lamar/Sasha.  Maybe.  Do you think if he was winning he’d be less injury-prone? (CW EDIT: Not sure.  The ACL injury was a fluke thing, so I don’t think his attitude about winning/losing had anything to do with that.)

CW: If you could “Allan Houston Luxury Tax Cut Rule” one guy off your team, who would it be, and why?

WM: Sasha.  No question.  Even tho’ he’s starting to play pretty well of late, he’d be the first to go.

CW: Could Kansas and/or Kentucky beat the TWolves in a Best of Seven series?  I say yes.

WM: Oooo… good question.  I agree.  Maybe.

CW: When will the TWolves ever make the playoffs again?  Over/Under the year 2014?

WM: Yes… they’ll make the playoffs.  But not before 2014.  Not unless they land Wall/Turner and whoever they get turns out to be the next coming of God (who just thinks he’s LBJ).

Again, my responses to his questions about the Wolves and Lakers can be found here.

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