April Fools: The Recap

I’m not a huge supporter of April Fools Day.  Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the good joke or the satisfaction that comes from not falling for the joke, but I’m just not very good at pulling the pranks myself.  I’d like to think that yesterday I pulled off a pretty good gag with the whole TWB/Hoopus merger post.  It was nothing amazing, but I did manage to fool a handful of people, which is better than usual.  Anyway, with April 2nd now on the calendar, I thought I’d spruce up the daily links with a recap of some of the better internet gags from yesterday.  Here they are, followed by your Wolves Daily News…

Google becomes Topeka – Unless you live under a rock, you had to have seen this one yesterday.  I saw through it, but I can’t tell you how many people at work were utterly confused by this.

Starbucks Introduces new sizes – The sad thing is, I could see this actually working.

Obama tries to get Kansas back in the NCAA Tournament – His next mission: get the Timberwolves a #1 or 2 pick

Ben & Jerry’s Ice Screen – Just lick your screen to sample their newest flavor

Hulu Confidential – Alec Baldwin’s secret plot to take over the world is exposed

iPhone to iPad Converter – I wonder how many of these you could sell on eBay before people caught on

Rat/Rabbit Hybrid – It’s really all about the tail…

LSU’s Purple Field – Word on the street is the Vikings are also considering this move



Darko loves him some Sota

From the Strib:

“I like it here,” he said after the Timberwolves practiced Thursday. “There’s nothing they’ve done to not make me stay here, but you never know. If these guys want me to stay, be on the same page for next year, why not stay here?”

Of course, there’s the little matters of negotiation and money for a 24-year-old center whose contract and $7.5 million salary expire after this season, which has only seven games left.

“You never know, it’s the NBA,” Milicic said. “You never know what will happen in the summertime, how things can go. Next year? Until I sign it, I can’t tell you if I’ll be here or not.”

Bringing back Darko would be a good move – at the right price.  You gotta remember that this is a kid who fizzled out every other place he’s played, and that the Wolves haven’t been necessarily setting the world on fire with him on the roster.  I don’t think there’s much demand for Darko outside of the Twin Cities, so the Wolves should keep the offer close to the vest.  If Milicic wants to bolt for Europe, I certainly wouldn’t stop him.


Kirk Snyder convicted of burglary and assault yesterday

From the Strib:

Snyder broke into the home of dentists Brad and Eugenia Roberts in Deerfield Township, north of Cincinnati, on March 30, 2009. He smashed their rear French doors with a landscape rock and charged through the house to the master bedroom, shoving Eugenia Roberts aside before pummeling Brad Roberts with his fists and then with an alarm clock, prosecutors said. He could receive up to 18 years in prison at his sentencing next month.

I’m guessing the excuse “April Fools!” wouldn’t get him off the hook…

And to think all of this could’ve been avoided had somebody just listened to Bonk!


April Fools: The RecapGlen Taylor losing patience, ready to pounce this off-season

From Shooter:

“We’re going to start meeting immediately at the end of the season to put the opportunities in place to improve this team next year,” Taylor said. “We have a lot of them. We have the opportunities for our draft (currently three first-round picks); we’ll see what (lottery) positions we get.

“We’ll have the opportunity to look at other players, and possibly trades if we feel that will help our team.

“So (management) is going to be really active and we’re going to start really early to prepare ourselves. We have a lot of work to do; I’m excited about working with the guys on that.”

Now that’s truly a titilating bit of insight from our owner!  I’ve never heard anything like this before from our front office!  Finally, something’s going to change!

I’d say April Fool, but nobody actually believes this…  do they?


This guy is giving Wolves managment waaaaaaaaaaay too much credit

From Jay Baer at Convince and Convert

I didn’t start out looking to slam the Timberwolves’ social media program. I started out writing a post about a fantastic ad. But then I pulled on a loose thread, and the Timberwolves’ messaging sweater unraveled instantly.

This is a pretty good article, so instead of having me pasting excerpt after excerpt, you should just click the link and read the whole thing.  The guy basically harps on the Wolves for having a horrible social media strategy.  He’s got a good point, but, um, this is the Timberwolves.  We traded Roy for Foye.  We signed Joe Smith to an illegal deal.  We drafted a guy named “Doody” Ebi.

At the end of the day, I’m just glad if this franchise has got its dial-up connection working.

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