Report: Pekovic/Wolves approaching agreement?



From Αντώνης Καλκαβούρας | of The Gazette

Η αποκλειστική δήλωση του assistant gm των Τίμπεργουλβς, Τόνι Ρονζόνε για οριστική συμφωνία με τον Πέκοβιτς προκάλεσε την αντίδραση του παίκτη και του ατζέντη του: «Συμφωνία; Αστεία πράγματα»!

Μία θέση, που τελικά κερδισμένο, έβγαλε μόνο τον “Πέκο”, γιατί σύμφωνα με τους κανονισμούς του ΝΒΑ, οι παίκτες που έχουν επιλεγεί στον 2ο γύρο δεν δεσμεύονται με συμβόλαια προδιαγεγραμμένης χρονικής διάρκειας και συγκεκριμένων χρημάτων και μπορούν να διαπραγματευτούν μόνοι τους, τους όρους της συμφωνίας τους με την εκάστοτε ομάδα… Γι’ αυτό και στην παράγραφο που συνοδεύει τις πληροφορίες της επιλογής του Πέκοβιτς στο νο31, τονίζεται ότι η “κατρακύλα” του στον 2ο γύρο, οφείλονταν στο ισχυρό τριετές συμβόλαιο που είχε ήδη υπογράψει με τον Παναθηναϊκό και το οποίο περιελάμβανε ρήτρα για το ΝΒΑ, μόνο μετά το τέλος της σεζόν 2009-10…

As you can clearly read in the article above, Ronzone is already at it and involved in reaching an agreement with Pech. Pretty good news. I’m excited to see what the Pekmeister will bring to the table if this goes down.

Okay Okay…google translation below the fold….

Wolf “by a” fairytale “the other!
The exclusive statement of the assistant gm of the Timberwolves, Tony Ronzone a definitive agreement with Pekovits caused the reaction of the player and his agent the “Agreement? Funny stuff!”

The paragraph is the biography of Nikola Pekovits and concerns in connection with the NBA, it is clear … In June 2008, the Analysts considered “locked” option, not just the “lottery” of the NBA Draft (ie within the first 14 positions), but even higher in the top ten is … The finish of the process, however, found the newly acquired player then the “clover” in no31 (!), Which essentially is the first choice of the second round …

A place, finally won, he took only “dc.contributor.committeemember, because under the regulations of the NBA players selected to the second round, not bound by contracts prescribed time and money and these can negotiate for themselves the conditions of agreement with the current team … That is why the paragraph accompanying information of their choice in Pekovits no31, stressing that the “slide towards” in the second round, due to the strong three-year contract already signed with Panathinaikos, which included a clause for the NBA, only after the 2009-10 season …

In Athens for the final playoff

Given that time is fast approaching and the 24 year old Montenegrin international Center has shown remarkable progress and has already won three titles with the green jersey, not the planned trip of the President of the “wolf”, David Kahn in Athens (during end of the playoffs in Class A1) and the declarations of the new person employed in the Timberwolves, Tony Ronzone in, be a random coincidence …

“Finished the issue of Pekovits!”

We met the American scouter, which from 2000 until a few days ago was the head of international scouting the Detroit Pistons in Paris through the years our acquaintance (since 2006 because of his relationship with Mike Sizefski the Ronzone deals parallel with the scouting of the National Team, USA), we were able to talk enough about the new position taken and the requirements of …

Is Nicola Pekovits one of them? “There is no doubt about that, although the issue was over before the last ten days, when I took my new role … We have spoken with both the player and with his agent and we agree on everything … The amount to be paid to Panathinaikos to release Nicholas to the NBA is very accessible, so there is no barrier … Just have to wait to finish the year … We are impressed by the improvements made over the last two years and we believe it is a player who can help us immediately! In post-up game is unbeatable, shoots a very high percentage of shots and a very striking feature of his game is his speed and the way he runs the court, in proportion to the physical qualities … I wonder though, because the last time is not used more than 17-18 minutes …», told us the experienced player-scouter, which will replace the old players of the team, Fred Choimpergk in front-office of the Timberwolves …

What will happen to find a space Pekovits!

The question is who will play Pekovits when Minnesota has the potential of two exceptional tall (Al Jefferson and Kevin Lvov), while preparing to renew his contract Darko Militsits acquired last February in exchange by the Knicks and left good impression …

“There is really thinking about the Militsits, but it is assumed that at least Kevin Lvov will be given as an exchange. It is a very good player, but can not coexist with Jefferson, who is hard to move because he has another three year contract with total earnings to reach 42 million dollars! “Said Tony Ronzone, who on Saturday night ( 5.8) will be dining with 19chrono super-star of Bartselona, Ricky Rubio, whom Minnesota has chosen last year in the NBA Draft … No5

The movement of Rubio in Minneapolis

“The main reason of my trip is this incredible kid and the Final Four, Euroleague Basketball is the premier event of the European basketball! Rubio’s decision to sign a Bartselona was correct because already, without having completed the first year has been established as the basic point-guard on the top – in my opinion – team in Europe! He looks amazing in golf is an excellent defender, has dramatically improved the shoot and generally matured very quickly! I will leave the NBA season! If Bartselona won the Euroleague, it is possible to come to America from this summer, although it is likely that this be done by next year! “Foresaw a factor Timberwolves.

“Funny things” answers the side of Pekovits!

The statements of Tony Ronzone caused the reaction Nikola Pekovits and Montenegro Center manager, Mishka Razniatovits. The “dc.contributor.committeemember” recalled the player of Panathinaikos and the aim is to win the title: Not applicable. I am a player of Panathinaikos and what interests me is the championship. ” On his part Razniatovits said: “It’s the most ridiculous things I’ve heard the last two years! There is no agreement. There are discussions but nothing definitive.

Recall that the Nikola Pekovits bound by contract with Panathinaikos until the summer of 2011 but the agreement is relevant options for the NBA. The interest of Minnesota to Pekovits is given, certainly there has been no final agreement but with considerable interest due to reaction of Panathinaikos.

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