Wolves Lottery Gathering at Hubert’s/Happy Hour Rant


So if you are like me and were devastated by the news that Unethically High Priced Miller Lights NBA City closed last month (the yellow circle in the picture is supposed to be a halo), you have your first opportunity to check a Wolves-related event in its replacement pre-game watering hole: Hubert’s. More on this shortly. Hubert’s (as in, HUBERT Humphrey Metrodome, a very sensible name for the bar next to Target Field/Center. Good thinking. Makes sense.) has moved in within the last 30-days, along with a revamped O’Donovan’s and a bustling relocated Kieran’s Irish pub, to the Block E section of Downtown.

With the removal of Hooters, Gameworks and Bellanotte’ as pre and post Wolves-game stops, next season is going to be interesting. Kieran’s is fun (having gone there Saturday), but the price per cold beverage is simply put: absurd. I still think, despite its trashiness and saturation of Cool Water-cologne ridden guidos and guidette’s, Brothers is the ultimate best pre-game Wolves salloon. I admit it. Friendly staff, pool and darts, decent bar food, huge TV’s at every angle, and best of all: the shock and awe of how LOW your bill is upon receipt. Just ignore the douchery and the screaming high-maintenance women if you can.

Not done yet. While I think the new Target Field is great for downtown for our city, and for our local restaurants, I will say without hesitation that being downtown if you aren’t attending a Twin’s game is a royal pain in the ass. As a resident of the Warehouse District, I am already annoyed. It is easy to stomach a game every few days with the Wolves, and weekly with the Vikings, but man is it getting to be a lot. There are several reasons why, including: increase in prices, a complete loss of any street parking, change or removal of Happy Hour specials (even for non-game attendees), a traffic cluster-f*** after someone thinking the idiotic idea of changing Hennepin and 1st Ave into 2-way ONE LANE roads was a good idea, and of course jealousy that the Wolves aren’t even in the same ballpark (pun intended) as the Twins in terms of city relevancy. It’s sad.  However, it’s great for the city. I can’t deny that, even for selfish reasons. Sorry for the tangent, but it is an important topic and perhaps will be a full-blown piece this Fall.  Onward to relevant things, my apologies:

The Wolves are not hosting a formal lottery party this year. Instead, there will be an informal gathering at said Hubert’s Bar tomorrow night (Tuesday). Mike McCollow of FSN and good ‘ol Tom Hanneman will be in attendance tomorrow to chat with fans and break down the results, apprantly. MacGyver’s attendance is still unconfirmed, although I think he has business in New Jersey for the lottery. SO, if you live in the area head down to Hubert’s, which is now part of Target Center, to have a cocktail and weep in agony with tens of fellow Wolves fans as we reveal our results, and ultimately pave the way for this offseason experience.

And Don’t forget to bring your TWB Draft Lottery Poster (click here to view and print) to the event to get a free drink!***


***Not actually true, but all the cool kids are bringing them!

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