Blogger Q&A with TNT Analyst David Aldridge


TNT analyst David Aldridge answered questions from some of the nation’s top basketball bloggers on Wednesday. Click HERE for a transcript of that session:

I am amazing, and was the only person to get multiple questions answered.  (Howl to Pants for the assist.)  Here’s what I asked:

  • Do The Wolves need to consolidate their picks? What are your thoughts on drafting 3 guys in the first round and keeping them all — not to mention our 2nd round picks?
  • What is the buzz around the league about Al Jefferson? He was considered locally and nationally as the 1st guy off the All-Star team 18 month ago. Is there an expectation around the league that after the requisite year off not being at full strength after knee surgery he’ll be back at his 20-25 ppg form?


To see what David Aldridge had to say in response to me, and other great questions, PLEASE CLICK HERE to read the entire transcript!

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