The Next Wolf???

carmelo-anthony-or-wanda-living-color is reporting that the Denver Nuggets have offered Carmelo Anthony the ultimate litmus test of his loyalty with a 3-year $65M dollar extension.  That extension is likely far more money than Anthony would be able to make under next season’s collective bargaining agreement.  Logic would hold that if Carmelo has any serious intentions of remaining a Nugget, he’ll grab the money and run.  If he refuses to sign the contract, it’s a likely sign that he’s planning on departing for another city.

If Carmelo doesn’t sign the contract, the Nuggets are wisely planning on moving him, deciding that it’s better to get something in return for him instead of watching him walk away for nothing.  If Denver does go down that pathway, the Timberwolves are certainly an interesting trade partner.  Rumors have it that the Nuggets have already made some inquiries about the Big Alcoholic and the Wolves do have a slew of young players to send their way.   Could a deal of Al Jefferson, Wes Johnson, and Corey Brewer be enough of a haul for Denver?  You would think that the Nuggets would like to get some draft picks in return, but unless the receiving team has a guarantee to lock-up Melo long-term it’s tough to start giving away future assets for what may amount to merely a single-season loan.

Again, a lot of this is speculation, but when our current best hopes are maxing out David Lee or Rudy Gay, or trading Al Jefferson for Eric Dampier’s expiring contract, it can be fun to dream.   So let’s hear your best offer to Denver for Melo in the comments!  Feel free to also propose some trades from other teams that might give the Wolves a run!

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