Lunch Time Wolves – Kahn at #26 and a Bjelica Blast

David Kahn Ranked #26 among NBA GM’s
via Mike Prada at

I know what you’re thinking. Wait a minute, David Kahn isn’t last? KAAAAHHN!

No, he’s not, and there’s only one reason why: Kahn, unlike the guys ahead of him, actually has a long-term plan. As mad as he is (and he is really, really mad), there at least is a method to his madness. His method? Build around Ricky Rubio.

(Stop laughing please).

Yes, it’s true that there is no guarantee Rubio actually comes to Minnesota. The young Spanish point guard has been pretty cool (literally) on making a firm commitment to the Timberwolves. But let’s not go too crazy here, because this is really an issue about money, as Canis Hoopus notes. The risk of Rubio screwing the Timberwolves over and never coming to the NBA is much less than people think.

Now, that doesn’t make Kahn’s plan a good one. Rubio is not David Robinson, so it’s probably not worth throwing three years away for him. In addition, while the goal is to assemble a team that fits his strengths (goodbye Al Jefferson!), the cast they’ve assembled to date doesn’t really get the job done (some players do, but … Michael Beasley? Jonny Flynn? Luke Ridnour? Hell, Kurt Rambis and his Triangle offense?). Finally, it’s kind of baffling to put all your eggs in the Rubio basket to the point where you’re either passing on much better talent (DeMarcus Cousins) or trading away real talent for very little (Jefferson).

So I’m not saying Kahn knows what he’s doing, because he doesn’t. I’m just saying that Kahn, unlike Colangelo, Stefanski and Bird, has a long-term plan. It may not be a good plan. In fact, right now, I’d say it’s a terrible pan. But it is an actual plan, which is what every rebuilding team needs.

Then again, he did just re-sign Darko.

I have to say that I’m glad that Prada didn’t take the bait and stick Kahn at #30.  He’s unconventional for sure, but if there’s one feather in Kahn’s cap, it’s that he has yet to make a devastating long-term move that is crippling to the franchise.  That was Kevin McHale’s specialty.  We are locking up role players to ridiculously long, overpriced contracts.  We’re stockpiling picks vs. trading them away.  We’re gaining cap space vs. luxury tax dollars.

I wouldn’t stick Kahn near the top of the list for sure.  In fact, he’s still too early in his tenure for anyone to adequately judge.  All you can say at this point is that he’s working on his “plan” and the good news is that if his plan fails, the Wolves will likely be able to bounce back quickly vs. wait 4-5 years for all his bad deals to clear.

That being said, I’d still probably move Kahn up a few notches.   Mike Dunleavy?  No way.  Rick Sund, the guy who gave Joe Johnson $120 million?  I’ll pass.   Chris Wallace and Rudy Gay’s $80 million deal?  No thanks.  Donnie Walsh who swung for the fences with 2010’s free agency and completely whiffed?  Nope.


Would you rather be a Wolves or Sixers fan?
from Liberty Ballers

The Sixers have more talent on their roster and a slightly less incompetent (!) front office. The only thing the Wolves have going for them is a little cap space and the rights to Ricky Rubio. In my extremely biased opinion the Sixers have a brighter future than the the Wolves. What say you?

I say a lot of it depends on whether Evan Turner can really be an alpha dog in this league.  If he is, then Philly definitely has a leg up on the Wolves as that’s the hardest piece in the NBA to acquire.  If he’s just “good”, then I’d rather take the potential of Rubio and the Wolves’ glut of cap space.


And now some Nemaja Bjelica news hot off the press for your reading pleasure…

N.Bjelicos istorijoje padėtas taškas: serbas oficialiai keliasi į Vitoriją

22 metų 209 cm ūgio serbas Nemanja Bjelica galiausiai susirado naują komandą. Krepšininkas oficialiai sukirto rankomis su Vitorijos “Caja Laboral” ekipa.

Skelbiama, jog Minesotos “Timberwolves” komandai priklausantis žaidėjas baskų klubo gretose rungtyniaus mažiausiai penkerius metus.

Šią vasarą istorija apie N.Bjelicos ateitį virto tikra drama. Serbo pavardė buvo linksniuojama su Trevizo “Benetton”, Barselonos “Regal Barcelona”, Pirėjo “Olympiacos” komandomis. Keturiose pozicijose galinčiui žaisti krepšininkui teko ne kartą paneigti žiniasklaidoje pasirodžiusią informaciją apie naują jo darbovietę.

Praėjusį sezoną N.Bjelica gynė Belgrado “Crvena Zvezda” garbę. Europos taurės turnyre aukštaūgis aikštėje vidutiniškai praleisdavo po 23 minutes, rinkdavo 8,5 taško, sugriebdavo 5,8 atšokusio kamuolio bei atlikdavo po 2 rezultatyvius perdavimus.

Šių metų Šiaurės Amerikos Nacionalinės krepšinio asociacijos (NBA) naujokų biržoje N.Bjelicą 35-uoju šaukimu pasirinko “Timberwolves” klubas.

Astounding!  I have to say, the future in Minesotos looks bright if what this article says is correct!


More from

Serb został wybrany w drugiej rundzie tegorocznego Draftu NBA przez Washington Wizards, ale prawa do niego zostały oddane do Minnesoty Timberwolves.

W sezonie 2009-10 Bjelica grał w Crvenie Zvezdzie Belgrad, w barwach której zdobywał 9.9 punktu, 4.6 zbiórki i 2.0 asysty w Lidze Adriatyckiej i 8.5 punktu, 5.8 zbiórki i 2.0 asysty w Eurocup.

Just some solid coverage here.  I think we may ask this site to join Bloguin. Hopefully SB Nation doesn’t gobble them up before we get a chance.


Bjelica ya es azulgrana
via canalBaskonia

Nemanja Bjelica será jugador baskonista al menos los próximos cinco años. El club ha confirmado esta mañana que han llegado a un acuerdo por el que el jugador serbio. El joven talento nacido en Belgrado (9/05/1988) tiene una estatura de 2.09 m. y juega en la posición de alero. Aún así, su enorme polivalencia le permite ocupar la posición de 4 o incluso la de escolta.

Bjelica se formó en la cantera del Partizan de Belgrado pero comienza su carrera profesional en Austria defendiendo los colores del Arkadia Traiskirchen Lions en la temporada 2007–08. En el 2008 el retorna a su país para jugar con el Estrella Roja de Belgrado, reclamado por el técnico Svetislav Pesic y permanece dos temporadas en el club. En el verano de 2009 juega con la Selección Serbia el Europeo de Polonia, donde consigue la medalla de Plata.

Nemanja Bjelica es elegido en el Draft al comienzo de la 2ª ronda con el número 35 por Washington Wizards, quienes posteriormente traspasan sus derechos a Minnesota Timberwolves. En la temporada 2009-2010 milita de nuevo en el Estrella Roja de Belgrado (Liga Adriática) con el que ha promediado 9,9 puntos 4,6 rebotes y 2,4 asistencias, con un 12,8 de valoración en 25:04 minutos. En Eurocup sus promedios han sido de 8,5 puntos 5,8 rebotes y 2 asistencias, con un 10,7 de valoración en 23:16 minutos.

Man, Bjeclia was blazing up Google News this morning!  The Great White Mana and The Big Pecker better watch out!  Bjelica is going to Bjring it when he comes to the TWolves and totally steal the Eastern European spotlight from them!


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