Kevin Love to Accept NBA Most Improved Player Award

Kevin Love to Accept NBA Most Improved Player Award


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From the Timberwolves’ Twitter Feed:

will host press conference @ 2 PM. tomorrow. to make a major award announcement – will stream LIVE VID
I think it’s safe to say Love will not be accepting the Defensive Player of the Year award.  Congratulations to Love for what will most certainly be his acceptance of the Most Improved Player Award.
Here are the winners from the past ten years:
2000–01 McGrady, Tracy  
2001–02 O’Neal, Jermaine  
2002–03 Arenas, Gilbert  
2003–04 Randolph, Zach    
2004–05 Simmons, Bobby  
2005–06 Diaw, Boris
2006–07 Ellis, Monta  
2007–08 Türkoğlu, Hedo  
2008–09 Granger, Danny    
2009–10 Brooks, Aaron  
2010–11 Love, Kevin
Overall, some fairly reasonable company in there. With the exception of Bobby Simmons, several notable players have received the award and gone on to play in multiple all-star games.
I am curious who will be leading this press conference, and what sort of non-Love items we will be able to over-analyze at the conference. Will it be Kahn, after his disaster of a press conference last week? If so, will Kahn take credit for Love’s development despite the obvious fact he and coaches woefully miscalculated his ability from the beginning? it did, after all, take Love’s 31 and 31 for Rambis to give him more than 30 minutes per night. To that end, will Kahn credit Rambis, or avoid any mention of the captain of the sinking ship that has been sailing in circles in the Bermuda Triangle for nearly two years now? I guess we will find out at 2:00
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