Brad Childress is Making Draft Calls
… To uniformed web browsers who for some reason decided to surf over to CBS Sports for their draft analysis this year, because he just got hired by them. I don’t get it either. The Pioneer Press had this to say about former Minnesota Vikings head coach Brad Childress and his new job:

Childress won’t make decisions this time, of course, but he will offer his analysis — on the website for CBS Sports. Childress will join anchor Jason Horowitz and former NFL players Dan Fouts and Randy Cross on a show that will be streamed live online.

Horowitz? Isn’t that some kind of dandy fire arm?

Not too sure what CBS is thinking here. The only fantastic draft pick Childress made was Purple Jesus and even David Kahn could have made that selection. Oh sure, Chad Greenway, Sidney Rice, Percy Harvin and ………… Erin Henderson? …. all were drafted under Childress’ regime, but how much of that was because Childress saw the potential in these guys and how much of it was dumb luck and Spielman? I’m guessing not a lot of Spielman … I’m liking him less and less.
The only other conclusion I can come up with is that since the Vikings play in the NFC and CBS usually only shows AFC games like OMG, WTF, I hate watching that robot LOL, they may not have been very aware with Childress’ faults. They probably only saw him take a team to the title game and saw Mr. Inappropriate Touch Brett Favre toss the game. Not fault on Childress!

The details also note that Childress will be appearing on a live broadcast on CBS Sports, instead of him writing draft reviews or something. I’m not too sure about this. Childress does have a dry sense of humor that I’ve always found charming, but his voice is gravelly and unattractive enough to make a muck fish swim away. The downside to him writing though would be him citing all of his articles in APA style and leaving a hundred unnecessary footnotes at the bottom of the article, before you even ever got to the comments. BORING!

This all raises the more important question: What NFL Draft boadcast do you watch? I usually do ESPN because I’m poor and don’t have the NFL Network, but I’ve always heard the NFL Network is the Sperry Topsiders of the frat boy shoe wear, if you know what I mean. What do you watch? Shawn Zobel, on Sports Wrap, perhaps?

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