Crazy day in Seahawk-ville!

First of all, this is what I’ve heard (and most of this is on ESPN, but there is a source that has an indirect connection at work that has been right on a few things, including Shaun re-signing, etc):

1) The Jets and Hawks have agreed to a trade, the Hawks sending the #31 pick to the Jets in exchange for John Abraham. The problem, as it’s well-documented now, is that Abraham today agreed to contract terms with the Falcons, but Atlanta and the Jets cannot agree to trade parameters! The problem is, the Jets took a beating in the media and other circles for letting Herm Edwards go to KC for only a 4th round pick. Therefore, the Jets see Abraham as a huge way of getting something big in return. They love the idea of the Hawks #31 pick. The Falcons best offer has been their 2nd round pick, which is pick #47. Clearly the Hawks pick is better than the Falcons pick, and the Jets want it.

2) Bryce Fisher has been on NFL Network this week, and twice today, he’s said that he’s made some calls to people “close to Abraham”, and says that he’s hearing Abraham really wants to play for Atlanta over Seattle. He’s from South Carolina, it’s closer to home, etc. And while Abraham had a lot of great things to say about the Hawks org, the reality? He was probably just using them as leverage on a deal with the Falcons.

3) MEANWHILE, Hutch will be decided by an arbitrator based on the so-called poison pill. There is some precedent here, too. Will Wolford in 1993 agreed to an offer sheet with the Colts which included him being the highest paid player on his team. The Bills challenged the deal as they had Jim Kelly making the most by far of any player. The arbitrator ruled in favor of the Colts, so the Bills chose not to match after all and Wolford went to the Colts. However, with the renewal of the CBA at that time, the league and the players agreed to change that part of the CBA, and basically prohibited such clauses like that, clauses that go above the “principle terms” of the deal. So, there is some real hope here that the arbitrator will rule in favor of the Hawks….but stranger things have happened. There are also stories coming out of Minnesota that Hutch has told people close to him that he wants to play for the Vikings, not the Seahawks, so I SURE AS HELL HOPE RUSKELL has weighed all this out! The last thing, and I mean the absolute last thing they should do here is destroy their chemistry by bringing back a great player who 1) doesn’t want to be there, and 2) will make the best tackle in modern day NFL probably pretty pissed off that Hutch will be getting more money. Per Mike Sando, the Hawks had a great locker room last year and the players understand the business side of the NFL, but this is really playing with fire.

4) FINALLY, Adam Schefter of the NFL network reported tonight that when you factor in Julian Peterson to the mix, and the Hawks have been negotiating with him as of this evening for a big contract, that in the next few days, it’s VERY LIKELY that the Hawks will come away with 2 out of the 3 players mentioned – Hutch, Abraham and Peterson. All the while, no matter what happens, the Hawks will be in strong shape in regards to the cap.


Oh yeah, and a ton of NCAA upsets. Out of 38 people in my office pool, I’m in 36th place, just one game out of MRS. LAST. My final 4 is still alive, and 13 of my sweet 16 as well, but the beating you take early can make it almost impossible to come back. I know it seems like it’s like this every year, but this year, wow, every time I look up today an underdog is winning!

I guess the reality is this is going to be the way for the forseeable future. Now that kids have to at least play 1 year of college ball before going to the NBA, the talent is going to be spread out more than ever. That’s why I laugh when people try and pick who will be in the final 4 before the brackets are even released, I mean it’s impossible to say as Michael has said since we were poops, it’s all about match-ups! And, I mean with talent spread out more than ever, it’s really coming down to whichever tourney team is hot that night will win, especially with the 3-point shot. Hell, Albany hung with UCONN For 36 minutes tonight before running out of steam. Never dreamed I’d see a 16 hang with a 1 for more than a half.

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