As Good As Navy!

Last week, it was Navy 37-9…this week it’s WSU 36-10. Guess what Cougar faithful?:

We’re as good as Navy!!!!

Couple of quick hits on our last win of the year:

The defense sounded like it was more than suffocating. One minute it was Bruce being an assasin based on his skills and moxy. The next minute it was Bruce hitting Edwards again because, as the Stanford announcers put it, “There hasn’t been a receiver open all day.”

While Stanford is considerably short of being a juggernaut, this D is certainly MUCH better than adverstised. If the Offense was as good as we thought it would be (in terms of point production), we might be special.

But the big line for the announcers: “You know, this Washington State team feels like it should be much better than it is. They have all of these athletes and weapons but there is something missing.”

Also: Harris on the postgame show spoke glowingly about how much more physical we were than last year, how talented the receiving corps and how much depth we have in the running game.

However, not ONCE did I hear one word about Alex, except when Harris commented that “well, their QB has some experience…”

Well, next week is the week for us and Alex to prove himself. USC has shown itself to be mortal tonight and Jarret is injured.

With a drunk crowd and national tv audience, this is the week for Alex to put it together and show why the coaches have put all of thier faith and marbles in his transum.

Its time for him to step forward….lets see if he will.

3-1 and facing a top 3 USC on “the tee vee?”

I’ll take it!

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