What The…?

Where did the offense that scored 22 on USC go? The defense obviously played great* but man what happened to our offensive line. They couldn’t get any holes opened for the Cougs to establish a running game and keep the Beavs honest. Then came the blitz which they countered with little resistance. Cougs are just lucky they were able to make some big plays in between OSU sending the house.

How about in the red zone… P-f’ing-U. At least 3 times they couldn’t score except for 1 FG. 2 of those times they had 1st downs inside the 3. If they would have scored 2 of the 3 times that would have made it 27-6 which is more like the score I was expecting. I couldn’t agree more with Brinkhater that you need to give Woolridge the ball in those situations. That’s what he’s built for.

* Anybody else tired of watching teams pick the Cougs deep zone apart with one receiver. I’m not so scared of our corners going man anymore. Especially Brackenridge, that guy is under-rated as hell. It’s easier to see how good he is when your at the game. He is all over the field, playing more like a safety and putting the bonnet to anyone. He’s fearless.

Speaking of fearless, Darryl Blunt is my new favorite Coug. Getting in scuffles with other teams before the game and putting his head down on a Beav at the end of his run yesterday. He’s a scrapper. He has a good leg too.

Comments on the Huskies & Other Stuff:
1) Stanback had a lot of balls dropped yesterday. They could have won that game just as easily as we could have last week.
2) You would think Jarrett and Smith going out of the game would have been an advantage for the Huskies. I felt it worked against them because the Trojans just started running over the top of them at that point.
3) How well they played combined with how poorly the Cougs played really put a knot in my gut yesterday. (Which is still there) I’m starting to balk on my 8-4 prediction. There are still 6 teams in competition for the Pac-10. It is going to be interesting.

If someone has it, would you please email me or post a picture of Steve Dildine with his helmet off at yesterday’s game. It should look alot like Shrek with chops and a handlebar mustache. I’m pretty sure that was Dildine… whoever it was, it was a great look.

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